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Repaper Only

How to use The Slate 2+ without any screen.

Updated over a week ago

Repaper Only mode enables you to use The Slate2+ in screenless mode, without needing your computer or mobile device.  

You can draw and take notes wherever you are, your sketches will automatically be saved in Repaper. You can import your creations later onto your computer or mobile via the Repaper Studio app and its import function.

Some technical details:  

To get started with this mode, it is important to bear the following points in mind:   

  • The Slate's battery life is approximately 7 hours when fully charged.

  • The Slate's internal memory has a capacity of 4GB: it can scan and store up to 400,000 pages of drawings.  

  • It is not possible to add memory with an external SD card.  

  • Drawings made in screenless mode have a 2B pencil rendering. This setting cannot be modified.


How to use Repaper Only?  

Prepare your workspace

  • Keep all magnetic objects at least 20 cm away from The Slate.

  • Fix a sheet of paper on The Slate with the help of the clips.

Activate the screenless mode  

When The Slate is on, switch between the different modes by pressing the Power button briefly. The Slate is ready to be used in screenless mode, when the side LED lights up green.

Place and calibrate The Ring

  • Slide The Ring onto your drawing implement about 3 or 4 cm from the tip.

  • Adjust its positioning so that The Ring is completely perpendicular to your drawing implement. You can verify its position as shown in this video.

  • Calibrate The Ring by pressing and holding one of the Slate's buttons (Button 1 or 2): the front LED turns pink. Place then your drawing tool on The Slate's active drawing zone and release the button once the tip touches it.

✅ Draw in screenless mode with the help of The Slate's buttons

✏️ Create a new page

  • As soon as you switch to the screenless mode, a new drawing page is automatically created. You can already start drawing.

  • If you want to create a new drawing in addition to the existing one, press Button 1 (see technical drawing beyond).

✏️ Manage layers

  • Press the New Layer button (Button 2, see technical diagram below) to create a new layer.

  • You can create up to 5 layers.


✅ Import  your creations into Repaper Studio  

  • To import what you have created in screenless mode into the Repaper Studio app, connect The Slate to your computer or mobile device.   

  • Once The Slate is connected, click on "IMPORT". You can then access all  the drawings saved in The Slate's memory, and decide whether you'd like to download and save, delete or edit your creations (see chapter below).

✅ Save, edit or delete your imported drawings

Once your creation has been imported, you can choose from one of the following actions:

  • Save : Click on the drawing's preview or the "Import" icon to save your creation. Once saved, you can edit it in Repaper & Screen.

  • Edit : After you have saved your drawing, a pop-up appears asking you whether you'd like to open your drawing or not. Click on "Yes" in order to open your drawing in Repaper & Screen and edit it.

  • Delete : Click on the Recycle bin icon next to your drawing to delete it from the Slate's internal memory.


👉 Good to know:  

  • When importing and saving your drawing in Repaper Studio, it is displayed in the Repaper Studio Gallery in landscape orientation, even if you've created it in portrait orientation.

  • If you want to save your drawing in portrait format, open it in Repaper & Screen, change the orientation and save it: it then appears in portrait format in the Repaper Studio Gallery.

  • You can also export your creation from Repaper & Screen to edit it with your favorite drawing software.


If you have any questions, please contact us via the widget, at  the bottom right of the page 😊  

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